Enter the text you want to replace in the Replace box.You can specify whether Word should locate only matches with the exact capitalization by clicking More and then selecting or checking Match case. Enter the text you want to find in the Find What box.Alternatively, press Ctrl + H if you prefer to use a keyboard shortcut to open the Replace dialog box. In the Editing group, click Replace to display the Replace dialog box.To use the Find and Replace dialog box to find and replace text in Word (words or characters) and match case if needed: To access more advanced options, you will need to click More in the Replace dialog box to expand it. You can perform simple find and replace tasks using the Replace dialog box in its collapsed state. Using the Find and Replace dialog box to replace words or characters (and match case) The Replace command appears on the Home tab in the Ribbon in the Editing group: Note: Screenshots in this article are from Word 365 but are similar in previous versions of Word. Recommended article: How to Quickly Remove Hard Returns in Word Documentsĭo you want to learn more about Microsoft Word? Check out our virtual classroom or in-person Word courses > You can display the Find and Replace dialog box using a keyboard shortcut or the Home tab in the Ribbon. Wildcards are useful when you are not able to find an exact match. If you use the dialog box, you can find and replace text and numbers and use wildcards for more advanced find and replace tasks. You can find and replace in Word using the Find and Replace dialog box as well as the Navigation Pane. If you wanted to you could create a capture group by surrounding the characters with () then inserting \1 in the replacement string.Find and Replace Text and Numbers in Wordīy Avantix Learning Team | Updated March 7, 2022Īpplies to: Microsoft ® Word ® 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 or 365 (Windows) I noticed that you are not using the rack number in the new link. Regex also has the feature that allows using part of the found string in the results. (the number 155 is made up of three characters) So changing this part of the regex to rack_\d+ will match the string “rack_” with one or more number characters. Instead of * the character + can be used to match 1 or more of the previous character. So in the example there is the sequence _* which will match 0 or more underscore characters. Īnother point is the character * will match 0 or more of the previous character. before html in the file name will match any character. regex parses text and has some special meaning for some characters. Note that regex matches characters, so if there is an extra space then the link will not be matched. Search “html regex” will return a large discussion. First, I must mention a warning that using regex to parse html is problematic.